Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Owen is Cooper's therapist at Beike. He performs Cooper's acupuncture, electric wave therapy and physical therapy. He doesn't speak much English, but we seem to communicate well when working with Coop. So far Cooper's PT consists mostly of massaging and stretching. For the first few sessions I noticed Owen was slowly pushing Cooper a little more each time. He massages and stretches Cooper's limbs first and then moves to his back. Sometimes I assist him by holding Cooper's upper body still while Owen pulls or twists his lower body a little providing some traction. Owen will also hold Cooper in a sitting position, with his legs criss-cross while he reaches under his arms to lift him and twist him back and forth. Lately he's been having Cooper kneel with his arms up on a wedge. He has me hold his arms while he holds his back and pelvis in alignment.
I told him I'd like to work on rolling, too, as Cooper has shown some ability in this area. I think from our time at Polfit I've been a little more aggressive in PT and Owen is hesitant to push him too hard. He did ask if he could put Cooper in a Quadraped position (on all 4's) and I said DEFINITELY! I think he's working up to that with the kneeling.
Owen is very sweet and accommodating, especially when Cooper's sleeping or eating schedule cuts into his lunch break or overtime. He thinks it's a crack up when I copy his Chinese. He says "OH! VERY GOOD!"

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